Postcard From Provence – No. 3 – Painting in Port, Beginning With Audacity

“Beginning with audacity is a very great part of the painting,” said Winston Churchill, who  knew a thing or two about audacity–and about painting, too, it turns out.  In the 1920s Churchill took painting lessons in the picturesque coastal village of Cassis, France, where our group also painted during the workshop I attended in May… Continue reading Postcard From Provence – No. 3 – Painting in Port, Beginning With Audacity


So many of you have responded to the Sunday Painter post, thank you; and some of you are artists yourselves. Just this morning Jill Steenhuis added a comment to Sunday Painter, and I’d like to comment back by treating you to her work and website, here. Jill is an Atlanta native who has lived and… Continue reading Touched