What a great–as in really good–surprise to wake up Monday morning to the blog My Design Chic post about my recent visit to Greenville, NC, where I spoke to a room full of wonderful women. It was an honor to be in MDC and a privilege to be back to where my roots are.
No not those roots. The other ones, from whence I grew up.
It’s been a while since I’ve said “whence.”

One of the day’s many highlights was meeting fellow blogger Kristy Woodson Harvey. Kristy and her darlin’ mama Beth Woodson are the brains (and beauty) behind My Design Chic. I know many of you would enjoy it if you don’t already.

Honestly My Design Chic’s post (HERE) about my talk is better than the talk itself (and certainly not as long). It is mainly a preview of my next book, working title Just Bee, about Bee Cottage and moi. Working sub-title is How I made a complete muddle of things and found my way back to happiness and fulfillment through decorating. Do you think that is too long?

Whilst you ponder that question, you may also be asking yourself what’s up with the table settings? Well I’ll tell you: Other highlights of the day were the beautiful table settings.
Now we have “whence” and “whilst.” On a roll here, people.
I fainted over these silver goblets.

I posted a shot of the above on Instagram. Aren’t you crazy about Instagram? Come see me there (HERE) It is so much fun and does not give you hives like some other social media.
This is one magnificent epergne:

The occasion last Wednesday, May 7, was the “Power of the Purse” luncheon benefit for Women for Women of Pitt County. It was a sell-out crowd of 1,000+, and yes I was moderately terrified. If it is possible to be moderately terrified–in manner of Jack Bauer, for eg. But as bear no resemblance to Jack Bauer, I can only credit my composure to the benefits of meditating, which I do every day.
But most importantly, the day raised a bucket of money for many great causes. The Women for Women group totally rocks with all the good they do. So inspiring in the #thinkglobalactlocal department, you know?
Speaking of rocking, what a fun surprise to see one of the tables, done by the inimitable Danny Taylor, decorated with a photo of my Mama, taken with Danny, right, in 1989 at my sister’s wedding. You know it is 1989 by the hair and the Scaasi. The necklace was a loaner from Danny’s friend, at left, who as a favor to Mom dressed as a man that night and therefore could spare the necklace.

Love Danny’s mix of patterns here.

There was a v nice write-up about the day in the Greenville Daily Reflector (HERE) by Jane Hudson. You may find this hard to believe, but I have seen better pictures of myself.

When I went to the beauty parlor before I left, I said to cut my hair just like Scout’s in To Kill a Mockingbird, and she did. That scarf wrapped around my hand is covering up an ugly brace thing for a thumb boo-boo. That’s me boy, just one big fashion statement.
And then after all that His Grace (aka my husband, for new readers) and I went on to my nearby hometown of Tarboro where my precious aunt gave the prettiest dinner in her garden.

So that’s this month’s installment from the Dept of Shameless Self-Promotion. Thank you again all you fabulous ladies (and gents!) in Eastern North Carolina, Kristy and Design Chic, and Ms. Jane Hudson. Thanks for reading. Heart you ALL, and see you soon. I’ll leave you with another Instagram shot from Auntie’s garden in Eastern NC…

Great to see you and Duvall again. It brought back so many memories and put so much old “stuff” at rest…must like your talk. Best wishes always…DT
Brava Frances!! Xo
Frances, I can’t believe that you were nervous! You were as cool and composed and totally at ease as any speaker I’ve ever heard. (Seen?) I meditate too, and, yet, I have to work through hives giving a rehearsal dinner toast to 50 people… I clearly need to get a little lesson from your guru ๐ Aunt Gray’s party looks fabulous! What a wonderful homecoming! Thanks for sharing your lovely self with ENC! xo Kristy
Omg you are so sweet. Yes always nervous but that keeps you on your toes. Thank you again for being there and for the lovely post. Know you will kill it in your rehearsal dinner toast. ๐
A sorority sister sent me and invite and I hope to come,
but could not make the trip from Wimington that
day . Heard you were wonderful ! Come this way soon!
Dear Eleanor, how lovely of you to write, thank you! I am bound to be coming to Wilmington at some point and would love to see you. Lmk if they need a speaker down there next year — I will be on book tour for sure! Love, Frances
Loved seeing you, Frances! Everyone enjoyed the talk. And, the Jane Hudson who wrote the Daily Reflector article was my growing up next door neighbor in Greenville. Next time you get to NC, you will have to come by Saint Mary’s ๐
Margaret, am still so touched that you made the trip, thank you. Loved seeing you, too, and looking forward to being back on on the St Mary’s campus before too long. Thank you. And how about your neighbor was Jane Hudson! She seems great. Like you. Love, Frances
I laughed so hard reading this post — ripe with your wonderful self deprecating humor! It’s always so fun to be in ENC and good for all the rest of us to see that on rare occasion, even you can take a bad picture!! Xoxoxo
OMG you are hilarious – thank you, fabulous Janie, and hope will run into this summer or sometime. xox F
Kudos dear one! love, peg
Frances, You never fail to make me laugh, as in LOL, when reading your posts. If you don’t inspire audiences with your insight, style and charm, surely you win them over with your humor. I look forward to hearing you speak one day and CAN’T WAIT for the new book! xoxox Cynthia
Thank you dear Smiling Water. I have to do something to make up for my lack of talent. XF
Congrats on your luncheon Frances – Missed you at dinner in NYC, but His Grace was clearly proud of the job you did! xo, J
Thank you dear Julie. I am so sorry to have missed you in NYC. See you in June. xo F
Dang Nabbit! Wish I’d been there to hear your talk! Especially about Bee and thee. ( I had a feeling there was more to Bee than just a pretty face, which makes it all the more special.) I think the title AND subtitle are great. To just “be”, is about all I can muster some days. (-: You can self-promote anyday and I’ll show up to listen! Take care- Leslie.
BTW- The luncheon tables WERE beautiful, but I think your Aunt’s garden party was pretty wonderful too.
Dang nabbit Leslie so happy to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. Something tells me you will hear this talk at some point, as my hope is there will be a stop in Arkansas for book tour in 2015. If you have any suggestions I am happy to hear! Til then, love, Frances
So wish I had been there. The Scout comment is spot on & I quote ‘Yes sir, right pretty,’ I would say” Love the place settings! Great picture of your Mama! Hope you got to show off your fella’ at the Tarboro Piggly Wiggly!
Thank you Paige! I wish you’d been there, too! xo