If by some unfortunate chance you are at NOW WHAT? place in life, we’ve got you. Read on:
First of all, I’m so sorry. Second, it is going to change. That much is certain. Even if it’s not okay, it’s your life, trust your journey. And third, we have a weekend for you. New and exciting from the Department of Spreading Your Wings: My Camino partner and friend Hollye Jacobs and I lead a workshop August 19-21, 2022, titled “What Comes Next? Finding Clarity in the Chaos,” at the renowned Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Teaching, discussion, guided exercises, and practical tools to take your next step, to continue your path, and to open your life to possibilities and purpose.

It is an honor to be asked to teach at Omega and we are over the moon. Please join us and enjoy all the awesomeness of Omega, not the least of which is the beauty of the area and Omega’s very groovy gift shop 😉 Just saying.
But back to you. You have the answers you seek within you, and you are enough. You are always enough. If you have forgotten that or are unsure, let us give you the tools to remember it, and to know. You are loved.

Interested in other retreats and workshops? Click here.
Angeline Price and I will lead our much-loved Art of the Soul at Rancho La Zaca, my home in California, October 6-8; and on October 24-28 I host Paint the Santa Ynez Valley, a plein air painting workshop with artist Tim Horn as instructor, also at Rancho La Zaca.