Quick Update: Bee Cottage in House Beautiful and Hurricane Irene

Can it really be Labor Day?

Here’s a quick update on the Bee Cottage series in House Beautiful: If you missed the first back in February, you can catch up: http://www.housebeautiful.com/decorating/home-makeovers/living-room-makeover-pictures-0211. Just now out in the September issue, page 68, is Part 7, “Front of the House.” And I should add “Before Irene!”

Bee Cottage front
Bee Cottage Makeover Part 7 - "The Front of the House" - is on page 68 of the September issue of House Beautiful.

Bee Garden raised beds
The raised beds at Bee Garden before you-know-who

Bee Garden riased beds after Irene
Those twig tuteurs had had it anyway, but we hope the Morning Glory will carry on... Carolina girl that I am.

Bee Garden with urn
Bee Garden at her most showing-off-est
Garden after Irene-2
We were lucky. It coulda been a lot worse... Again, Leslie's photo.

Happily I report that Bee weathered Irene pretty well: a big limb down in front and general havoc in the garden, but nothing too major. Even those rickety old shutters managed to hang on.

And where was I all this time? In California since early August, with not a hurricane or earthquake in sight. So I especially want to thank my brave friends Leslie Klotz and Mary McBride, who hunkered down at Bee when Irene blew in. Bless you, girls. And special gratitude also to Bee’s (and occasionally my) caretaker Diana Harty. What would I do without you?

Bee Cottage shutter detail
Even Bee's rickety old shutters (Benjamin Moore Mountain Laurel) managed to hang on in the face of Irene's huffing and puffing.

By the way, several of you have asked about the color of the shutters and stucco, so I’ll put it out here again in case it’s helpful: The shutters are Benjamin Moore Mountain Laurel. The stucco is not painted; this is its natural weathered state. The door is stained in a walnut hue (sorry the make and color escape me) with two coats of clear polyeurethane over it.