Clarity Begins at Home, Workshop 2024

New Year, New You! Clear the clutter in your home and your head to make 2024 the year that your resolution to “get organized” gets real! Clear a path toward your purpose and an even more meaningful life. Join Barbara Reich and me in the return of our (super-popular!)  Clarity Begins at Home workshop on Tuesdays from January 30 through February 20, 11 to 12:30 pm EST. If the timing doesn’t work for you, sessions will be recorded and we will welcome your questions and feedback after hours. Read on and sign up by clicking red button below:).

Frances Schultz living room
My old living room two apartments ago. Un-cluttered maximalism!  Interior design John Oetgen. Photo Max Kimbee

Building on the powerful connection between home, self, and wellness, we’ll work with you to remove the clutter in your home and your life to create a personal environment that is conducive to productivity, purpose, and peace of mind.

In Session 1, we will show you tools you can use to tune into your own intuition and to what your living space might be “saying” to you, Participants will be given (fun!) exercises and a bit of homework to do  to begin their process. Those who wish are also invited to submit  images of areas they’d like help with. Session 2 focuses on the bedroom and bath. Session 3, the kitchen. Session 4,  personal workspaces and wherever else might be a problem spot for you, and then we will summarize and offer specific tips and concrete next steps to maintain your progress.

Frances Schultz Office New York City
My office two apartments ago.  Design John Oetgen, but he would probably want me to point out that the butterflies were my idea ;D. Photo Max Kimbee

You don’t need me to tell you that the pandemic left even the most well-adjusted among us weary and wondering if we were living/working/being in the world as we best could. As a result, consciously or not, many of us felt a connection between home, self, and our sense of well-being. Many of us cleared clutter and re-invented spaces better to support our lives, and wow, we felt happier! We felt calmer, more focused, and boom, we were on to something powerful: Tapping into the connection between our living space and our life can be life-changing.

My brilliant co-teacher is Barbara Reich, New York University MBA, world class organizer, and founder of Life Organized. Barbara and I began working  together ten years ago in New York and have long discussed the idea of the home as an underpinning of emotional well-being (what my book The Bee Cottage Story is all about!). Now Barbara and I combine our wisdom and expertise to guide you to create the home and life that are purposeful and fulfilling for you.

 What are you weary of? What do you long for? How will you navigate your life in 2024 and beyond? If these are questions you’d like to explore in a fun and fascinating adventure, join Barbara and me in this transformative, live, 4-session virtual workshop, Clarity Begins at Home. You’ll gain personal insight along with solid practical advice and coaching for real life solutions and tools you can use forever.

What others said:

“I took this workshop previously and it worked wonders for me. I got focused and moved forward in an orderly, organized and fun progression…” Cara P., Vermont… “Loved it, Frances & Barbara! I loved not feeling alone. I loved hearing others’ vulnerabilities because I can relate to it all. I love the introspective questions and especially confronting the extra time I’ll have once these nagging boxes are taken care of… the years I have spent spinning my wheels organizing but not “finishing”? Have I been avoiding [some higher calling] for me? —Lisa F., Texas

Details and sign-up here


Questions? Email me or 

And no, you do not have to be a minimalist. Heaven knows I am anything but.

And meanwhile have a taste of what’s to come in Barbara’s excellent and organized Instagram posts here @barbarareich_lifeorganized and my less organized but usually pretty posts here 😉 @francesschultz

You can go from this…

My chaotic and cluttered library
OY. My NYC library before

to this… and we’ll get you there together…beginning with a click here.

My NYC library now. Even though there is a lot of "stuff", the space is ordered and harmonious.
My NYC library now. Even though there is a lot of “stuff”, the space is ordered and harmonious. 

Sign up here

Happy New Year, Frances

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