Frances and Nate Berkus Invite you for Drinks

Today’s the day I’m on The Nate Berkus Show. There’s a whirlwind tour of Bee Cottage, and then Nate and I go about preparing for a drinks party. His crew were great to work with and really made it fun.

Frances and Nate Berkus
Nate Berkus and yours truly, on the show Monday, October 3.

He is adorable; his producers are adorable and also total pros; and my friend Chef Stephanie Valentine helped invaluably with the recipes, which are really good, btw. All I did was try not to mess up. But of course I did mess up and said only about three of the 72 things I was supposed to say, such as:

“To see more of Bee Cottage, see the November issue of House Beautiful magazine for Frances’ monthly column on the makeover of her house, or go to, keywords: Bee Cottage.”


“A special thanks (again!) to Chef Stephanie Valentine for her help with the recipes. She is an artist and genius in the kitchen.”


“Frances’ Tips for a Great Drinks Party

1. Keep it simple. If you’re short of time, make one or two hors d’oeuvres and buy or assemble the rest, i.e., nuts, cheese straws, veggies and hummus.

2. Do feed your guests. You don’t want them all going home in wheelbarrows after two drinks.

3. Speaking of drinks, keep in mind the non-drinkers and offer something non-alcoholic–a fruit juice spritzer like our special “Leaf Peeper” here, or lemonade, or soda.”

There, I feel better. Stand by for recipes and more photos. Recipes are also posted on the Nate site:

P.S. I come on after Jane Lynch, aka Sue Sylvester, and by chance I got to meet her in the hall on my way to the studio. I was thrilled about that. She is as tall as I am, great-looking, and very personable.

Okay be back soon with the recipes and all.

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