If you’re anywhere near Atlanta and can go hear Miles Redd speak at the Cathedral Antiques Show on Thursday, January 31, do. Details at end of post.
If you’re not, then do the next best thing and get his book, The Big Book of Chic. If you’re feeling flush ($75 but $55 if you get it at the antiques show) and fit (it’s a hefty one)–then by all means buy it. Or if you can find it at your local indie book store, that’d be great, too.
It has such great eye candy you might need to floss your lashes.

Much has been written about the book since it came out from Assouline in November, and 1st dibs had a particularly good piece by Jen Renzi.
Miles and I recently re-connected at a design seminar at Lyford Cay, which was great. He told me he jumped off that chair like about a million times. I love his red socks. That wonderful photo is by Paul Costello, as are many in the book.
I also love his mantle. Not only is is it stylish and yes chic, it is fun. This mantle is about a man who has a big life and a good time.

I feel I have known Miles since he was knee-high to a color wheel, but in truth I met him in his 20s. You don’t meet him without knowing he is setting the whirl on fire in one way or another, and in a lovely, beautiful way.
The Big Book of Chic, in its lovely, beautiful way is more a visual stream of consciousness than a conventional decorating book, juxtaposing vintage and other photographs and quotations with photos of Miles’s own work. Now I confess I find this frustrating at times. The journalisg in me wants to know the who, what, where, and why. The information is there, but in tiny print at the back of the book. But that is how Miles wanted it, and the publisher Assouline let him do it. Here, Miles explains:

So here without further ado, is a flip through Miles’s book, which you will love.

For all the book’s “non-writing”–there is zero text save for the introduction–it is, like Miles’s rooms, artfully constructed, collected, assembled and styled.

Psst, notice the bed because you will see it again in a coming post.
Here’s a short video of Miles talking about his book and his work.

Great post Frances, and I know Miles and the Cathedral both thank you! Can’t wait to hear him and get his book!!!
Thank you Sis!
So glad you highlighted this__I am going with a groups of gals for my birthday! I remember being at a dinner party at his apartment in my early twenties…courtesy of his relationship with my beloved twins..Mary Corpening Barber and Sara Corpening Whiteford..good thing those nailhead doors cant talk! hee hee hee
Susan Stuart
Hi Susan! The Corpening girls introduced me to Miles! I met him at Mary’s wedding at the Homestead and it was love at first sight. But are you sure those doors can’t talk?… xo Frances
Oh, I got this wonnnnderful book for Christmas! A very dear friend was his art teacher and she mentioned he sent her a copy and how beautiful it was, so I ordered one. It is the most delicious eye candy, just gorgeous. Have it on my desk/dining table and look through it often. Love, love, love his use of color. His website is pretty darn awesome too!
Hi EB and thank you for mentioning Miles’s website – yes it is terrific! The first mention of his name in green type is a link to his site. xo F
Loved you taking a picture of my Christmas present to you,it made it worth while cause I know you had one already.I can’t wait to see him tomorrow.Have loved all your blogs lately about the shoots.What fun y’all had.However I love all of them,you are the best!Love Mary Wayne
Aww, thank you Mary Wayne, and thank you again for the wonderful gift of Miles’s book inscribed, which you know I did not have. Can’t have too many of these in any event. I look forward to hearing about the talk. x Frances
What a wonderful book … Fell asleep with it .. Kept pouring over his creativity page after page!
He is a rascal ~ Love the shot in the bed. He is a genius pure & simple! Have my copy front & center in my living room.
Isn’t he?! Thank you Paige – the book is practically its own coffee table, right? xo F
Why is it that when I fill a room with this an’ that Brooks wants to clear it out and tidy it! . Possibly because I do not have the touch – see Frances, Dede, Mindy etc.
We look more like People-Helping-People than an MGM Soundstage! Reading Miles’ book could indeed be helpful. Thank you Frances.
Miles cast his spell on my son’s home in the West Village. I especially enjoy the large scale wallpaper in the foyer and hand-painted floor (which I first mistakenly took for real tile it was so well done!)
Every one of his rooms tells a story and makes you want to stop and take it all in for the moment.
But what I really want to know is – where does he get all that energy? Amazing…